
I write stories and poems. Here are some select pieces from around the web.

Writers that inspire me: Raymond Carver, Joan Didion, Denis Johnson, Nick Cave, Lana Del Rey, John Steinbeck, Bret Easton Ellis, Frank Stanford, Ernest Hemingway, and others.

See more of my work on Medium.




The Marble Mask

A horror short story about an obsessed artist. For fans of Edgar Allan Poe.

“He sculpted long into the night, carving the massive marble thin slice by thin slice, like peeling the last potato during the famine.”

The Tree of Life

Amidst a decaying relationship, a man finds solace in childhood memories. Or is it just escapism?

"You wonder what happened to it, what it looks like today, who lives there and if they have kids. If they are happy.”

Trapped in Throes

A woman is faced with a difficult choice when her abusive husband gets stuck in a bear trap.

"A scream pierced the dead of night. I awoke and sat up in my bed. Listened. Again, a howl. A man in agony."


Poetry and Other Writings

The Dinosaurs of Detroit

A speculative piece on the future of autonomous vehicles and who’ll be left by the roadside.

“The jazz and the blues is the music of the night. The soundtrack to each and every traveling man’s white line fever.”

She Brandished a Fantasy

A poem on beauty, pop, and shattered teenage dreams.

“What I remember the most
was her threadbare hands
cracking open
a bottle of coke”

The Last of the Bisons

A poem on the apocalypse, oppression and feverish hallucinations.

“Atop obsidian mountains
a pyre of skulls
like biblical brimstone”